Livelihood support for Women Program
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Economic independence is the core and ultimate aim in any social development initiative. Through women development Program WORD has made tremendous linkages of credit assistance through banks under various schemes after having trained them on various income generation programs and entrepreneurship development programs. Due to the growing need for the economic development of the rural women and men in Namakkal District, WORD joined in hands with ICICI Bank under channel partner model to link micro-credit for the self help groups. The micro credit helps the group members to start various micro-enterprises to generate considerable income for the family and to spur the rural economy. It has to be noted that WORD has already implemented the micro-credit program with the loan support of ECLOF-India, Chennai and worked as a business correspondent with HDFC Bank. Our Director Mrs. M. Renida Sarala also served in the board of ECLOF-India office at Chennai. The groups who have got loans from this micro-credit program have started various income generation programs and micro enterprises. WORD is assisting the members self Help Groups for livelihood support with the support of Terre des Hommes, Netherlands for various entrepreneurial activities. A short documentary film by the name, "We are administrators too.." has also been done with the successful trades by the self help groups who have got loan from this project. Click here to check-out the products by micro-entrepreneurs and the products that have been promoted under this project. WORD also involve in AABY- a micro insurance program with LIC of India as a social security initiative of WORD. |
- Who we are
- From the Director's Desk
- Need for WORD
Current Projects
- Special Schools for Child Labourers
- Women Development Project
- Livelihood support for women
- Economic support for women affected by HIV/AIDS
- Microscale CDM Biogas Project
- Reduce the Risks of young women workers
- Vocational Training on Tailoring & Embroidery
- Vocational Training on Beauty Care
- Project Sakhi- Financial Literacy for Women
- MHM Program
- Internet Saathi Program
- Lit Clubs
- Covid 19 Relief Activities
- Vocational Training for Livelihood Enhancement
- Cyclone Gaja Relief Works
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