Patient Counselling Centers
From December 2006- September 2008, WORD established and implemented the Patient Counselling Centres Project in the Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and New Born Care Service (CEmONC) Hospitals in Namakkal District i.e., Trichengode Government Hospital and Namakkal District Head Quarters Hospital Namakkal District under Tamilnadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP), Chennai. From May 2009, WORD established two more Patient Counselling Centres with six more women counsellors in Namakkal District, Viz Rasipuram Government Hospital and Komarapalayam Government Hospital.
Under this Project, WORD has recruited twelve women Counsellors at the rate of three per hospital. The counsellors in the four Government Hospitals render the guidance on the availability of various services and availability of investigations in the hospitals, Doctor's notes and the explanations on drug consumption to the patients.
Besides guiding the patients in out patients ward, the patient counsellors render counselling services for anti-natal and post natal mothers, pre & post operative patients, patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular diseases, carcinoma lungs/tobacco and HIV/AIDS infected and affected persons through one on one/ group counselling in the counselling rooms and the respective wards in the Government Hospitals.
Two exclusive telephone lines in Namakkal District Headquarters Hospital and Trichengode Hospital were established to render telephonic counselling and to provide the various services available to the general public in need. You can get the assitance in the following telephone nos.
For Namakkal GH..... 91.4286.223 900.
For Trichengode GH...91.4288.252 707.
Under this Project, WORD has recruited twelve women Counsellors at the rate of three per hospital. The counsellors in the four Government Hospitals render the guidance on the availability of various services and availability of investigations in the hospitals, Doctor's notes and the explanations on drug consumption to the patients.
Besides guiding the patients in out patients ward, the patient counsellors render counselling services for anti-natal and post natal mothers, pre & post operative patients, patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular diseases, carcinoma lungs/tobacco and HIV/AIDS infected and affected persons through one on one/ group counselling in the counselling rooms and the respective wards in the Government Hospitals.
Two exclusive telephone lines in Namakkal District Headquarters Hospital and Trichengode Hospital were established to render telephonic counselling and to provide the various services available to the general public in need. You can get the assitance in the following telephone nos.
For Namakkal GH..... 91.4286.223 900.
For Trichengode GH...91.4288.252 707.
NABH Accreditation to Namakkal Government Headquarters Hospital

The services of the Patient Counsellors are also well appreciated in getting National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Care Providers (NABH accredition) to Namakkal District Headquarters Hospital, which is considered to be the first of its kind in Southern States in a Government Sector Hospital.